What is 120Hz refresh rate in mobile?

refresh rate test

Have you ever felt like your phone’s screen was lagging or stuttering while scrolling through apps or playing games? This might be due to a low refresh rate. In this article, we’ll explore what a 120Hz refresh rate is, why you might choose it, the different types available, and the benefits it offers. We’ll also guide you through the steps to check your phone’s refresh rate and answer some frequently asked questions.

Why Choose a 120Hz Refresh Rate?

A higher refresh rate, like 120Hz, means the screen updates more frequently per second. This translates to smoother visuals, especially when it comes to fast-paced activities like gaming or scrolling through content. Here’s why you might want a 120Hz phone:

  • Improved Gaming Experience: Games look and feel more responsive with a higher refresh rate, reducing input lag and providing a more immersive experience.
  • Smoother Scrolling: Scrolling through apps and web pages becomes noticeably smoother, reducing eye strain and improving overall usability.
  • Enhanced Animations: Animations appear more fluid and natural, making the user interface more visually appealing.

Types of 120Hz Refresh Rates

There are two main types of 120Hz refresh rates:

  • Adaptive Refresh Rate: This technology dynamically adjusts the refresh rate based on the content being displayed. For example, it might switch to a lower refresh rate when viewing static images to conserve battery life.
  • Fixed 120Hz Refresh Rate: This type maintains a constant 120Hz refresh rate, providing consistent performance regardless of the content.

Benefits of a 120Hz Refresh Rate

Apart from the advantages mentioned earlier, a 120Hz refresh rate can also:

  • Enhance Battery Life: While adaptive refresh rates can help save battery, even fixed 120Hz refresh rates can be optimized for power efficiency.
  • Improve Touchscreen Responsiveness: The higher refresh rate can lead to more responsive touch interactions, making the phone feel more intuitive to use.
  • Future-Proof Your Device: As content creators and developers continue to push the boundaries of visual quality, a 120Hz refresh rate can future-proof your device for years to come.

Steps to Check Your Phone’s Refresh Rate

If you’re unsure whether your phone has a 120Hz refresh rate, you can check it using the following methods:

  1. Check Device Specifications: Look for the refresh rate listed in the phone’s specifications or user manual.
  2. Use a Third-Party App: There are several apps available that can help you measure your phone’s refresh rate. Search for refresh rate test in your app store.
  3. Look for Visual Cues: If your phone has a high refresh rate, you might notice smoother scrolling and animations compared to devices with lower refresh rates.


A 120Hz refresh rate can significantly enhance your mobile experience, especially if you’re a gamer or someone who values smooth visuals. While it might come at a premium, the benefits it offers can make it a worthwhile investment. By understanding the different types of 120Hz refresh rates and their advantages, you can make an informed decision when choosing your next smartphone.


Is a 120Hz refresh rate necessary for everyday use?

While not strictly necessary for basic tasks, a 120Hz refresh rate can provide a noticeable improvement in smoothness and responsiveness.

Does a higher refresh rate consume more battery?

Adaptive refresh rates can help optimize battery usage, but fixed 120Hz refresh rates might consume slightly more power.

Can I upgrade my phone’s refresh rate?

Unfortunately, you cannot typically upgrade a phone’s refresh rate. It’s a hardware-based feature that is determined at the manufacturing stage.

Are there any downsides to a 120Hz refresh rate?

The main downside is the potential for higher power consumption, although this is mitigated by adaptive refresh rates.

Will a 120Hz refresh rate make my phone’s screen brighter?

No, a higher refresh rate does not directly affect the brightness of the screen. Brightness is a separate setting.

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